The origin of abhinaya.

About Andrea, Abhinaya Founder

After taking a solo trip to Bali, Indonesia in 2017, I was faced with my past, present and future, and found myself at a crossroads for which direction to go in both my personal and professional life. I was walking through a lot of loss, grief, and uncertainty at that time. On that trip I met a healer on that told me "I must be at one with myself, before I could give to anyone else”. Spirituality and spiritual growth have always been my number one core value. I knew that I wanted to lead retreat groups in a mindful and beautiful way, and felt a strong pull to start Abhinaya. Abhinaya, meaning "leading an audience toward" in Sanskrit, was then birthed in Bali with my first ever retreat with ten very special people in 2018.

Having now led several retreats all over the globe from Indonesia, Italy, Bahamas, Mexico, England and the United States, I have been fortunate to partner and collaborate with aligned destinations, properties, and professionals in their respective fields to allow space for growth, healing and success for all of our attendees (and hosts). This is what makes our retreats truly unique. There is a healing and spiritual component that allows attendees to dive deeper within themselves using different techniques and modalities through a thoughtful itinerary that allows for exploration within themselves that will support their highest self and purpose for this lifetime.

I hope you’ll join us on our next retreat.

— Andrea

Press & Features:

405 Magazine, 2021

Luxiere, 2019